The Norsey Wood Society works closely with Basildon Borough Council, the owners of Norsey Wood Nature Reserve, an ancient woodland which is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest on the edge of Billericay in Essex, UK

Visiting the Wood

Visiting the Wood

Facilities at the Wood:
Car park (CM11 1HA) – frequently busy on sunny days and can be muddy in winter
Men’s and women’s toilets and a separate accessible toilet opened with a RADAR key
Bicycle rack – for about six bikes
Easy Access Trail – generally level with a hard surface and suitable for most wheelchairs, buggies, etc. 
Two Picnic Areas – one in front of the Visitor Centre and a larger one, with an open-sided shelter, about 100m/110yds along the main ride. Both have picnic tables. For the comfort of other visitors, dogs are not permitted in these areas. 
A large map-board and other external information boards are always accessible.
Nature Trail Guides are usually available from a rack outside the office next to the toilets.
Information Boards are outside the office at the Visitor Centre and under the dutch barn in the main picnic area.
Creature Carvings - there are 11 to find, click here for a map.
 Office address: 

Outwood Common Road, Billericay
CM11 1HA
Basildon Council Countryside Services
Wat Tyler contact number 01268 208090
Out of hours emergency contact number 01268 533333

Opening times:

The wood is accessible 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
There are pedestrian entrances in Outwood Common Road, Break Egg Hill, Norsey Close, Deerbank and Norsey Road (opposite Lilford Road).

Car park entrance is on Outwood Common Road CM11 1HA.

Getting here:

By ROAD - If travelling on the A127 (London-Southend), turn onto the A176 (Billericay turnoff). Proceed to Billericay High Street and take the right fork at the far end (Norsey Road). As you leave the built-up area, look out for Outwood Common Road on the right. The entrance to the Wood is about 350 metres up this road on the right (CM11 1HA).

If you are approaching from the Chelmsford direction along the B1007, take the left exit at the roundabout (Potash Road) soon after entering the built-up area of Billericay. At the end of this road, turn left and then almost immediately right into Outwood Common Road. The entrance to the Wood is about 350 metres on the right (CM11 1HA).

By PUBLIC TRANSPORT - Take the bus or train to Billericay. From Billericay High Street follow Norsey Road, turn right into Deerbank, and enter the wood by turning first left. The Information Centre can be reached by walking straight through the wood on the main ride for about one kilometre.

Please keep your dog under close control for the benefit of nature and other visitors. Thank you!
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