The Norsey Wood Society works closely with Basildon Borough Council, the owners of Norsey Wood Nature Reserve, an ancient woodland which is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest on the edge of Billericay in Essex, UK

Society History

Norsey Wood Society - History

The Society was formed in 1977 following the purchase of the Wood by Basildon District (now Borough) Council. This followed an active campaign in the town to protect the Wood which was, not for the first time, threatened with felling to allow housing development. Formation of the Society was actively supported by the Council and elected Councillors regularly sat on the Committee in the early years. Management of the Wood had been somewhat neglected in the years prior to the Council takeover and the early establishment of Working Parties and restoration of a regular coppicing regime received active Society support.

On a number of occasions, the Society has been able to assist with enhancing the amenities at the Wood by obtaining grant-funding for initiatives that could not have been financed wholly from Council expenditure. These have included the original Easy Access Trail, additional equipment for the dipping pond at the Information Centre, the cycle racks, hand lenses for use on guided walks, a Jubilee seat, re-excavation of an overgrown pond and improved picnic tables. The Society has also itself funded the printing of a leaflet explaining the management regime, particularly coppicing, to the public. In more recent years, with the Council’s staff-resources ever more thinly stretched, Committee members have given extra assistance to the Ranger by taking on the management of a number of small projects.

The Society and its members have always been major supporters of the annual Spring Fayre at the Wood and we have recently been trying to increase the profile of the Society and the Wood by mounting displays at events such as the annual Community Day and Mill Meadows open day. 

Attendances at our public meetings have inevitably fluctuated over the years but figures around 50 are still not unusual and we find this pleasing in an age when home-based entertainment is the preference for many.

Communication with members through production of a regular Newsletter has always been a high priority for the Society and quarterly publication has been the norm throughout our 40-year life. A Roneo’d and stapled format was used for many years but a major step forward was made in 2008 with the introduction of colour and a magazine style was adopted three years later. Our newsletter is now also available via email and published on the Society Page of our website. We are also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
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